There has been a recent buzz in the online community that when Google patented a digital ID verification process, that verified authorship for blog posts, articles, website content etc. will have a large impact in search results. Most of you may have already noticed author pictures from a Google + profile in search results.

Here is a screen shot

Google authorship SoCal Digital Marketing ExplainsGoogle has been verifying who the author is of websites/posts by confirming the Google + ‘Contributor to’ field in your About section and asking webmasters to input this code into their websites <a href=”


You replace the profile_url with your Google + URL when you view your profile, for example <a href=”

There is also another option, if you have an email address at your domain you can submit your email address to Google’s Authorship page here An example would be submitting and then verifying the confirmation email. Google also stated to have a byline at the end of your content to make it very clear that you are the author of this content.

Google Authorship is a great way to fight spam and plagiarism on the internet. Once you verify your authorship and post original content on the web Google will have your post in the search results ahead of any copied content (that is the goal).

I would recommend verifying your authorship and setting up your rel=author links right away to become an early adopter!

By SoCal Digital Marketing