Why Assignment Selling Is Beneficial


At SoCal Digital Marketing, we know the importance of advancing digital marketing strategies by creating new innovative ways to achieve your goals.  And, we are here to tell you that assignment selling is one of the best, effective marketing trends worth your time and effort.

What Is Assignment Selling?

Assignment selling is “the process of intentionally using educational content you have created about your products and services to resolve the major concerns and answer the burning questions of prospects so they are much more prepared for a sales appointment.”   This process is known as the content created to help close deals faster.   Essentially, it weeds out the uneducated and uninformed buying group to focus on the group of customers at are ready to buy.

How To Implement Assignment Selling?

Assignment selling can be implemented by reviewing your business’s website, social media content, and other promotional platforms.  It is important to remember that all content must be honest, helpful, relevant, and thorough.  Ask yourself these simple questions—

  1. Is my content more educational than promotional?

  2. Does my content answer all specific answers or answers you I get asked frequently?

  3. Does my content help consumers when trying to make a purchasing decision?

  4. Is this content easy to access on my website?

  5. Is my content biased?

Click here more details on assignment selling.

Learn more about what SoCal Digital Marketing can do for you on social media, SEO, website design, and digital advertising by contacting us here or calling (949) 309-8845.